The parish of St. Lucy began under the leadership of Monsignor Lombardo in a rented store where the first Mass was celebrated in August, 1927. In 1928, ground was broken and the cornerstone laid for the erection of the church. In addition, the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes was dedicated in May, 1939 and the Scala Santa was opened in July, 1941. These two devotional shrines have made St. Lucy Parish an historic landmark in the City of New York
As the parish continued to grow, the school building was added to the parish complex. St. Lucy School was dedicated in 1955 by Cardinal Spellman to meet the educational needs of the children of the parish.
St. Lucy, the patroness of our parish, was an early Christian martyr. The name “Lucy” is derived from a Latin word meaning “light” and St. Lucy is venerated for her sight-giving powers. Her special feast day is celebrated on December 13th.