The average class size at St. Lucy's school is 20-25.
St. Lucy’s School provides programs and services aligned with its mission in which each child is nurtured and encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically.
Our curriculum is aligned with NYS Common Core Standards. In addition, Physical Education, Art, as well as many after-school opportunities, are incorporated into the academic program.
Parents have access to our Cornerstone Online Information System, which provides full access to their child’s attendance and grades.
Our Prek-3 program is offered to children who will be 3 years old by December 31, 2017. Children learn through art, music, dramatic play, and library. It is center based learning.
Click here to register, or you may also call the main office (718-882-2203) for assistance.
Free Pre-K for All (UPK)
Pre-K for All (UPK) an excellent, high quality education for 4-year-olds, available at no cost, regardless of household income. This program is offered by St. Lucy's School in partnership with New York State and the local public school district.
Click here to apply.
Our Kindergarten is an academically rich, all-day program. It prepares children for first grade and beyond. Kindergarten is a collaborative program that features an interactive smart board, and a range of teaching methods designed to cater to different learning styles.
Our kindergarten program focuses on literacy, numeracy, and science skills, including music and art. The curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning and the ability to ask questions, seek out answers, and build self-confidence.